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Groen Vrugte

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Fruktig smak för dygnets och årets alla timmar - grön rooibos smaksatt med äpple, apelsin och rosé-peppar.
100 gram
SEK 79.00
250 gram
SEK 178.00
500 gram
SEK 344.00
1 kg
SEK 672.00
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Art.Nr.#: 9171

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Description / Groen Vrugte

Green rooibos flavored with apple, orange and rosé pepper. Green rooibos is made from the same shrub as "regular" rooibos, but is handled differently so that the leaves do not oxidize. The taste is lighter and more grassy-fresh. Naturally decaffeinated, this herbal tea is suitable for both hot and cold.

More Information

Organic Yes
Base tea organic Yes
SKU 9171
Ingredients Grön rooibos*, äppelbitar*, apelsinskal*, naturlig arom, rosépeppar* samt ringblommor*. *)Från kontrollerade ekologiska odlingar.
Dose 3 gram(ca 1½ tsk) / 2dl
Water temperature 95-100 grader
Steeping time 5-8 minuter
Origin South Africa
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Customer Reviews

A tasty happy tea
Review by Anna
Perfect all year round
Stable rooibos!
Review by Rolf
Round and rich! The only thing missing for me is some more prominent top notes.
Fresh and fruity taste
Review by Britt-Marie
Got this tea as a sample and I was very pleasantly surprised. A good soft yet fresh flavor. Very good!!!
Slightly strange taste
Review by Msa
was a bit disappointed with aroman but the quality is good
Tasty beyond expectation
Review by Milla
This tea is wonderfully fruity and has a good balance of flavors. The tea flavor itself is like a cousin to the regular rooibos, but milder. Will definitely buy again!
The best tea in the world!
Review by Alice L
My partner and I ADORE this tea. Bought it for my sister for her birthday, and she also thinks it's the best tea she's ever had!
My absolute favorite right now.
Review by Helene Ottosson
I started with a sample of this tea, and now I'm hooked! Wonderfully good!

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